Tag Archives: Stampin Up

Manly Card

It seems I never have a manly card when I need one.  My hubby, brother and father would all wrinkle their nose at a card that has ribbons, glitter or jewels.  So that takes out most of the cards I make.  So typically I sit down and pull out my masculine sets and make up several cards.  Sometimes they are like this one with no external sentiment.  That way I can use it for Father’s Day or birthday.

I love this old stamp set from Stampin Up.  I used the fly stamp to make up the background.  Also…love this cardstock combo.  One of my favorites!

Hope you are having a blissful day!  Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock:  Baja Breeze and Chocolate Chip (Stampin Up)
  • Ink: Chocolate Chip (Stampin Up)
  • Stamps:  Fly Fishing (Stampin Up)