Simon Says Stamp’s Love of Plants Challenge – Card 2

This week’s Simon Says Stamp’s Monday challenge is for the love of plants.  Given the abundant number of flower and plant stamps, this is an easy challenge.  So much so that I came up with 3 cards for this challenge.  Here’s the 2nd one.  My mom’s birthday is coming up so I decided to make this card for her.  I wanted to emphasize the beautiful detail of the dahlia stamp so I used it to create a background with gold embossing powder.  Happy crafting!  Supplies listed below.



  • Cardstock:  Lavender Moon (Papertrey); Autumn Rose (Papertrey)
  • Inks: Versamark (Imagine Crafts); Tea Dye Duo (Papertrey)
  • Stamps:  Dahlia Dance (Penny Black);
  • Accessories:  Gold embossing powder (Ranger), Copics (RV32, RV34, G94), Tiny Tags die (Papertrey), Autumn Rose satin ribbon (Papertrey

2 responses to “Simon Says Stamp’s Love of Plants Challenge – Card 2

  1. Lovely card! The gold embossing is amazing! Beautiful! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  2. Victoria Nelson

    This is absolutely stunning! I’m sure your mom will love it!

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