Papertrey Ink September 2011 Blog Hop

It’s time for the PTI September Blog Hop and this month’s challenge is to use the photo below for inspiration.

I thought of Autumn colors and a strong visual element when I initially looked at this photo.  So I decided to do an Autumn themed card.  I ended up using ribbon for the graphic lines since I wanted to emphasize a wheat harvest shape with the colors and that works much easier with ribbon.  I also thought the black in the photo was a very strong element and wanted to pick up on it in my card.  I had a little trouble with the sentiment…hate when you have the card all done and go to add the sentiment to it and you smear it.  I also didn’t have any PTI autumn sentiments so I improvised and made up my own by handwriting fall on it.

The supplies are listed below.  Please drop me a line if you have any questions.  Hope you are enjoying the fall colors!  Cheers


  • Cardstock:   Vintage Cream and True Back (Papertrey)
  • Ink:  Black (Memento)
  • Stamps:  Communique Curves Sentiments (Papertrey)
  • Accessories:  Various sources of ribbon including Papertrey

21 responses to “Papertrey Ink September 2011 Blog Hop

  1. this is so beautiful!! looks like a gorgoeus curtain!!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful take on the picture! Love the way you built the harvest shape 🙂

  3. So clever! I love this card!

  4. I’m a CAS girl, so all this fabulous white sings to me and what a great way to add a fall greeting– I should keep that in mind.

  5. Oh so very beautiful.

  6. love the gathered ribbon! what a fun idea 😀 and the handwriting fits right in 😉

  7. Beautiful card! Great job with the inspiration photo! I love how you used the ribbon!

  8. Really nice card. It reminds my of drapes pulled together at the window.

  9. Super card. 😉 I love the way you incorporated the stripes with the Autumn theme. Fabulous!

  10. I love how you used ribbon for your striping- too cool!

  11. love your card, so pretty!!

  12. this is awesome, love the ribbons all gathered together!

  13. Very striking

  14. Simply elegant. The ribbon treatment is just beautiful. Totally inspiring!

  15. I loves the colors and how you gathered the ribbon.

  16. Absolutely beautiful!!! I love that you used ribbon for the stripes and the fall colors are perfect!!!

  17. I absolutely love how you gathered those ribbons! Love the use of white space, too! Nice job with the challenge!

  18. So pretty! Love your use of ribbon.

  19. Pingback: My Top Nine Cards for 2011 | My Bliss

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