Papertrey’s Make It Monday#343: Masking and Ink Sponging Challenge

Well, some techniques/cards you attempt but don’t master.  This card falls into this category.  I made the card for this week’s Papertrey Make It Monday #343 challenge – masking and ink sponging.  The difficulty with this technique is to make sure the color layers are distinctly different so the masked areas show up.  Mine didn’t so I ended up stamping all the snowflakes in white so they would show up.  Oh, well.  It’s always good to try a new technique.  Supplies are listed below.



  • Cardstock: White
  • Ink:  Blueprint Sketch, Shaded Lilac, and Faded Jeans distress oxide inks (Ranger); Fresh Snow (Papertrey)
  • Stamps: Fab Flakes (Papertrey); Peaceful Poinsettia (Papertrey)
  • Dies: Fab Flakes dies (Papertrey)
  • Accessories: embossing powder

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