Tag Archives: Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse)

CFC-121 and Waltzingmouse’s November Pajama Party – Thanksgiving Challenge

ETA:  I just realized that this card can also be submitted for the current CAS-ual Fridays challenge CFC-121 of using 8 items.  For my card it is using 8 different inks!


It’s time for Waltzingmouse’s Pajama Party!  There are 5 challenges….this card is for the Thanksgiving/Thankful category.  See this Waltzingmouse blog post for more details about the challenges and everyone else’s beautiful cards!


Of course I didn’t start on any of the challenges until last night.  There’s never enough time for crafting with two little boys and work and housework….notice that housework is the last item on my list.  Okay to my card.

I decided on a fall theme with lots of beautiful fall colors.  Stamping all of the leaves was the most time-consuming thing for this card….but I really wanted the fullness of all the leaf colors.  And I absolutely love the Say It Loud – Winter Holidays stamp set!  I use it a lot!  Supplies are listed below.



  • Cardstock: Fine Linen (Papertrey)
  • Stamps:  Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse); Say It Loud – Winter Holidays (Waltzingmouse)
  • Ink:  Tangerine Tango, Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, and Early Espresso (Stampin Up); Terracotta Tile (Papertrey); Sunflower (Close To My Heart); chai and chamomile distress ink (Papertrey)

Waltzingmouse Pajama Party!!

Hi everyone….

Waltzingmouse is having a fun party today…their Pajama Party.  I made 2 versions of the same card that I am putting adding to the Challenge 3 – In the Background blog hop.  Challenge 3 is to use any Waltzingmouse stamp to make a background.

I wanted to play with my distress inks so I ended up making a background using one of the smaller doilies from Dainty Doilies stamp set.  I colored all of the parts of the doilies and then misted it with pearl mist.  The colors really softened up and blended together.  I started with the background so I didn’t really know what I was going to do with it until after I saw how it blended.  I liked how the reds, purples, pinks and browns blended making me think of a fall themed card.  So ended up using my Teeny Trees stamp set for the main image.   I finished off the card with some silk ribbon and assembled it.  Of course I couldn’t decide if I needed to anchor my tree with a base and sentiment or just leave a sentiment along the bottom of the main panel frame.  You decide….I like both for different reasons.



Waltzingmouse October 2012 Blog Party Post – card 2

It’s time for the Waltzingmouse June Blog Party (it’s always the 17th of every month).   The challenge this month is to use purple, orange, and black or shades of.  The card details are below.  Happy blog hopping!

I need a birthday card for a friend whose birthday is at the end of the month.  So I opted for something that was light (lots of white space) and sparkly.

Hope you are having a blissful day!  Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock:  Soft Stone (Papertrey)
  • Ink: Versamark
  • Stamps:  Dainty Doilies 2 and Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse)
  • Accessories:  Embossing Powder, rhinestones, ribbon

Waltzingmouse October 2012 Blog Party Post

It’s time for the Waltzingmouse October Blog Party (it’s always the 17th of every month).

This month’s is a gorgeous but tough color inspiration.  I mean tough because I really don’t have any WMS Halloween stamps to use so I had to come up with cards that didn’t scream Halloween.  The card details are below.  Happy blog hopping!

Hope you are having a blissful day!  Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock:  Terracotta Tile (Papertrey); White (Georgia Pacific)
  • Ink: Versamark; Royal Velvet, Winter Wisteria, Terracotta Tile and Tea Dye Duo (Papertrey)
  • Stamps:  Dainty Doilies 2 and Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse)
  • Accessories:  Rhinestones, glitter, scor-tape, royal velvet button; Clear embossing powder; Linen impression plate, smooch paint

Waltzingmouse Christmas Card Challenge

I have 3 cards for Waltzingmouse Christmas Card challenge.  I am trying to catch up before the end of the month so that my name can be included in the bucket for a chance to win a prize.  My last 3 Christmas cards were for challenges that I was having a tough time coming up with an idea.  Needless to say… I saved them for the last-minute and am just getting them done in time.   

So the WMS Challenge includes completing at least 1 card for each monthly challenge and obviously the cards don’t have to be completed within the month that the challenge is provided.  I needed to complete cards for March, May and June.  The March challenge was to use blue and brown on a Christmas card.  I love those colors together but couldn’t come up with a design I liked given the WMS stamp choices I have.  So this is what I came up with and card details are at the bottom.

The May card challenge was to use chipboard in your card.  I only have one stamp set where I have dies to match (Very Vintage Labels #4) so my card was designed around that.  Here’s my card and the card details are at the bottom.

The June card challenge was to use stitching in your card.  I’ve never sewn on any of my cards and don’t tend to be drawn toward stitched images.  What is a girl to do….use a stamp that looks like stitching.  I spent lots of time trying to get the snowman colored the way I wanted.  This is a small 3 by 3 card because I really wanted the image to shine.  Here’s my card and the card details are at the bottom.

Hope you are having a blissful day!  Thanks for stopping by….

Supplies: Blue/Brown Card (March Challenge)

  • Cardstock:  Sky (A Muse Studio)
  • Ink: Chocolate Chip (Stampin Up); Faded Jeans, Broken China, and Stormy Sky distress inks (Ranger) 
  • Stamps:  Dainty Doilies 2 and Say It Loud Winter Holiday(Waltzingmouse) 
  • Accessories:  Rhinestones (Recollections); Copics

Supplies: Chipboard Card (May Challenge)

  • Cardstock: Very Vanilla (Stampin Up)
  • Ink: Cranberry (A Muse Studio); Chocolate Chip (Stampin Up)
  • Stamps: Say It Loud Winter Holiday and Very Vintage Labels #4 (Waltzingmouse)
  • Accessories: Chipboard (Papertrey); Labels #4 (Spellbinders); Real Red grosgrain ribbon (Stampin Up)

Supplies: Stitching Card (June Challenge)

  • Cardstock: White (Georgia Pacific)
  • Ink: Tuxedo Black (Memento); Cranberry (A Muse Studio)
  • Stamps: Teeny Trees and Christmas Cottage (Waltzingmouse); Holiday Button Bits (Papertrey)
  • Accessories: Copics

Waltzingmouse June Blog Hop – Card 2

Here’s a second card for the Waltzingmouse June Blog Party (it’s always the 17th of every month). I loved the color inspiration so much that I decided to make a second  card for the blog party.  The card details are below. Happy blog hopping!

I used my distress inks again but this time inked up the doilie images.  It has a very different feel from my first card….much softer.  I used the ribbons and pearls to give the card some punch but it still feels like it is missing something.  I liked my first card so much that this looks so-so to me.  But I do like how the distress inks blended together on the doilies, especially on the right side of the card. 

Hope you are having a blissful day! Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock: Bermuda Bay (Stampin Up); White (Georgia Pacific); Grey from cardstock stack (Die Cuts With A View)
  • Ink: Versamark; Peacock Feathers, Spiced Marmalade, and Pumice Stone distress inks (Ranger)
  • Stamps: Dainty Doilies 2 and Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse)
  • Accessories: pearls (Hero Arts, Queen and Co., and Kaisercraft); White embossing powder (Superior); various ribbon

Waltzingmouse June 2012 Blog Party Post

It’s time for the Waltzingmouse June Blog Party (it’s always the 17th of every month).  This month’s is a gorgeous color inspiration.  I love teal so was a happy camper making up this card.  The card details are below.  Happy blog hopping! 

I embossed the doilie image and then used the distress inks to make a saturated background.  I broke up the very strong panel so that the sentiment would be eye-catching.  And then added the gorgeous sparklets to finish off the card.  I am loving this card! 

Hope you are having a blissful day!  Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock:  Bermuda Bay (Stampin Up); White (Georgia Pacific)
  • Ink: Versamark; Peacock Feathers, Spiced Marmalade, and Pumice Stone distress inks (Ranger) 
  • Stamps:  Dainty Doilies 2 and Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse) 
  • Accessories:  Sea Breeze Sparklets (Kaisercraft); White embossing powder (Superior)

100th Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge – Almost Card 2

It’s been one of those weeks….funeral and celebration of life for our family’s best friend, my father’s 70th birthday party, last week of school activities for my boys, and the normal chaos of working part-time while being a single parent during the week.    And as much as I needed card making this week to keep me sane, it had to take a back seat to other activities this week.  So needless to say, I missed getting my second card into this week’s 100th Waltzingmouse Sketch challenge .  Dang!  The chance of being the guest mischief maker for a month really had me wanting to submit more than one card.  So even though this one didn’t make it into the challenge, I’m glad I was inspired to do 2 cards this week for it.  Here’s the sketch that my card is based on. 

This card was much easier to pull together than my first one….not having ribbons on it must have helped.  I wanted to have a background image that was repeated in the main image.  Teeny Trees is so easy to use for making a background image.  I love all the different shapes of trees.  And Say It Loud – Winter Holiday is my favorite of holiday sentiments and that’s out of a very large collection of stamps.  I love the font Claire used and keep hoping she will come out with another sentiment stamp set with the same font.

I love the my new Sprinkle N Sparkle embossing powder that I used!  It is such a pretty color and has a little sparkle to it.  I also liked the glitter paper from DCWV since it is so much easier to work with than glitter.  I also finally got to use some of my stockpile of bells as the circle accent on the sketch.  I seem to love collecting cardmaking supplies almost as much as I like finding a chance to use them up!  Card details are at the bottom of the post.

 Hope you are having a blissful day! Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock: Vintage Cream (Papertrey)
  • Patterned Paper: Blue sheet, Brights Glitzy Glitter Stack (Die Cuts With A View)
  • Ink: Fresh Snow (Papertrey); Versamark
  • Stamps:  Teeny Trees and Say It Loud – Winter Holiday (Waltzingmouse)
  • Accessories: Ice Rink (Sparkle N Sprinkle) ; Silver Elastic Cord (Stampin Up); Silver Bells; Scallop Punch (Stampin Up)


Now that I have your attention…this card was downright painful.  The Waltzingmouse Sketch this week was a tough one for me.  I wanted to keep it more simple but the sketch has lots of layers.  Take a look at the Waltzingmouse Sketch challenge this week…a great opportunity to win prizes! 

Boy did I have a hard time pulling this sketch together.  Maybe I’m rusty after the long crafting break.  Maybe I was searching for perfection a little too hard.   Maybe I was frozen with fear toward the end that I would make some stupid blunder (like drop an inked stamp on an almost finished card, never done that before).  But I spent the last two evenings and this morning fussing on this card.  And do you know what took the longest….bet you can’t guess.  Those stinking ribbons.  I fiddled with those for an hour last night and again this morning.  It works so much better when you don’t think too hard I guess.   Okay….to the card….

I love Dainty Doilies 2 for snowflakes….they are some of the prettiest doily stamps I’ve seen!  I initially tried the house from A Cottage Christmas stamp set but it just seemed to busy to me with the snowflake background.  Those folks who can layer and make it all seem cohesive at the same time are amazing….it’s just a skill I don’t have.  I knew I wanted a snow bank for one of the layers and ribbon for the second.  I wanted to pick up the colors of the trees and the snowman’s scarf in the ribbon.  But red and green looked to strong so I needed 3 ribbons.  I fussed and fussed on the layout of the ribbons.  I am showing you both the final card and the look of the card right before I tweaked the ribbons one last time.  Which one do you like better? 

Okay…it’s done and I’m not going to think about it anymore.   I am beginning to sound a little obsessive at this point.  I have a sunny day to go enjoy!

Hope you are having a blissful day! Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock: Kraft (Papertrey); White Cardstock (Georgia Pacific)
  • Ink: Rich Cocoa (Memento); Fresh Snow and Tea Dye Duo (Papertrey)
  • Stamps: A Cottage Christmas, Dainty Doilies 2, and Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse); Framed Out #3 (Papertrey)
  • Accessories: Scor-Tape adhesive sheets; In The Meadow die and Framed Out #3 die (Papertrey); Diamond glitter (A Muse Studio); Copics; Grossgrain ribbon

Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge #88 – again too late to make the challenge

This card is for Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge #88 which I again missed.  Can’t seem to get the card done by the deadline by about a half an hour.  Oh well….I am still using this for my Waltzingmouse January Christmas Challenge.  The sketch for the WMS Challenge #88 is posted below.

Since the January Christmas challenge was to focus on the night sky I came up with this idea using Teeny Trees.  Unfortunately it took me until last night to come up with an idea using the sketch above.  I like how the card turned out even though I was racing like a mad woman trying to make the deadline.  Hope the card gets you in the mood to make some Christmas cards of your own.  The card details are at the bottom.

Hope you are having a blissful day!  Thanks for stopping by….


  • Cardstock:  Stamper’s Select White (Papertrey)
  • Ink: Enchanted Evening (Papertrey); Versamark
  • Stamps:   Teeny Trees (Waltzingmouse)
  • Accessories:  Silver Embossing Powder (Ranger); In The Meadow Dies (Papertrey); Dimensionals